Designing & rebuilding the new world – part 2

Emergency housing to the homeless and displaced population

As we were talking in the past post, we have to take care of our environment to make sure we will still have a planet that we can call home, so we have to protect and invest more in repurposing different materials and use them and building materials so we don’t throw them to waste or damage the environment.

We talked about using shipping containers and build housing out of them. The relatively low construction costs and quick turnaround time of these homes can help create lifelines for people in need. After several worldwide natural disasters, floods, fires, earthquakes, that left thousands homeless people around the world, some architects thought about it and created an innovative series of container homes that allowed displaced families to finally have a place to call their own again.

We have an example in Mexico that a well known architect there build something more than a box with air pillows and mattress, the containers she built are full two-bedroom apartments, with kitchen, bathroom and everything else as functional home needs. Each home cost under $11,000 to create, and even better, they may be better equipped to withstand future earthquakes in this seismically-active region.

This way we don’t only think about ourselves, protect and give others a better life but in the long run we protect our home planet from all the waste we produce. There are life lessons everywhere around us and we have to open our eyes to see and learn from them.


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