How To Get Rid Of Bad Smell Inside Shipping Containers

Shipping containers are durable and solid things that could go months without having to maintain them but they could also be delicate in terms of other things, such as the smell that might occur inside of it if you do not take care of it. Depending on the quality of the maintenance you do annually, the goods you carry inside it, or other reasons, a bad smell could occur within the interior of your shipping container and it could be hard to get rid of it. If your shipping container smells bad, it just does not affect the interior but it will also affect the goods inside the shipping container that you are shipping somewhere else. That is why it is utterly crucial to make sure this problem does not occur, or when it occurs, you know how to get rid of this, bad smell. Even though you might not realize it in the first place until it becomes really dense, you should always check out just in case when the container is empty, and it is not working. If you smell something bad, you should immediately interact with it and get rid of it so that it will not be a permanent issue. In this article, we are going to talk about how to get rid of bad smells inside shipping containers.

You have to know that even when you buy a new container, getting a bad smell out of the container when you open its doors is possible, and it is totally normal. Most of the time this happens because it stays closed for too long, moisture could happen, and so forth. If you just leave the doors open for a while, maybe for a couple of days, this could fix this issue, and you won’t have to do anything. However, if even when you kept the doors open, but the smell stays, you might have to act on it. Keep in mind that if there is nothing major, you do not need to do too much, in fact, the process that we will be talking about is pretty easy and gets rid of the smell easily and efficiently.

How To Get Rid Of It

When you start hearing about the process, it might seem too easy to fix an issue like this and it might seem it won’t work, but it does, and we have proven that to be true many times with many containers we have tried this on. What you need is some coffee grounds (roast), a little bit of foil, and a lighter. When you have these, you are just going to make the foil a tray so that it will be like a plate when you are using it, and then you will pour the coffee into the foil and take it into the middle of your shipping container. Once you have done all of this, you are going to light up the coffee, it might take some time for the coffee to light up, but once it is lighten up, you can just leave it like that. You do not have to worry that it will burn your container up if the foil under it is complete has no problems. The foil and the burning coffee must stay within the container for a day or so with doors sealed shut. About a day later, you can open up the doors and the foil. You will realize that the bad smell within the shipping container is gone.

What you need to be careful here is that the coffee you put in the middle of the foil should not be too much and the foil under the coffee should be perfectly intact to prevent the fire to go below it and create a massive problem. If the coffee is too much, that might also jump into the floor of the container which is generally wood and it is a massive problem. Other than that, it is perfectly fine to do this to get rid of the bad smell inside of your shipping container. The heavy smell odor that the coffee has helps the interior of the container to smell better without staying there for too long. If you do not like the smell of the coffee, leaving the container’s door open for a couple of days will be enough to get rid of that as well and your container will be fully clean from any smell. But the bad smell could happen again in time whether you want it or not, and when that happens, you can use this again to get rid of it, you can use it as many times as you need. However, it is not very common for shipping containers to have a bad or odd smell frequently if you are not carrying goods that will make that happen. You just have to make sure it has no bad smell after every shipment. This way, you will prevent your goods from being damaged due to bad smell if they are affected by smell. It is utterly crucial to do that with every part of your container.

As you can see, we have talked about how to get rid of the bad smell inside your shipping container or why or how it happens in the first place. The bad smell could be there even from day one, and it is easy to fix whenever it happens. All you need is coffee, foil, and a lighter. It takes one day to do it, and after that, the bad smell will be gone for good unless you are carrying your goods are smelly things that leave their mark after every shipment. In case of this, check your container once in a while to make sure it is not smelling, if it does, do the same procedure that we have showed you in this article.

If you want to buy, lease or rent a container please email or call us at:

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