Ideas for Shipping Containers on Farms

Shipping containers are multitasking items that you can use wherever and however you wish. This could be a storage, a home, an office, or some kind of a hut at your farm where you can store necessary items or cool down while you are working at your farm. There are many things you can do with your shipping container, and the limits are the sky. However, we are going to talk about how you can use your shipping containers on your farm in the most efficient way or some ways that could help you with your work on the farm because it is not easy to work at a farm under hot or cold weather. It takes time and energy to do all the work, and you have to rest sometimes.

Before we start, it is important to know where you can get your containers for a farm and what size you should start. You can get your containers from any container shop like us, USA Containers where we work specifically to help your needs. You can tell us that you want a shipping container for your farm and we will give you the necessary details and recommend you some. When it comes to the size of the containers, it depends on how you want to use them. You can get a 20 FT if you are not looking for something big but minimal but you can also get a 40 FT if you are thinking about storing some stuff in it. Basically, the size depends on your needs. Your needs might change after you read our ideas about what to do with shipping containers on farms in this article.

Equipment Storage

The first thing is the storage for your farming machinery pieces of equipment. Farming and agriculture pieces of equipment are the key factors for your livelihood because, without them, you would not be able to farm efficiently or could not farm at all. However, they are big, take a lot of space and it is not really easy to store them anywhere around your farm and even if you have a place to store them, they have to be preserved well enough for harsh weather in winter. It should not too cold or too hot or they might get broken. You can adjust your container according to the needs of your pieces of equipment with necessary decorations around and in it. To store these pieces of equipment, if we are talking about large types of machinery like tractors, trailers, or trucks, you need a container that is 40 FT size or maybe bigger. If they are smaller types of machinery, 20 FT should be enough but you can always go for the bigger one if necessary.

Also, take a look at our maintenance accessories that will help you to prolong the resistance of your container.

Seeds or Hay Storage

Another use of storage is for your seeds or hay if you are also doing breeding on your farm. Storing these items requires delicate planning because they have to be preserved well like your pieces of equipment but of course, more delicate. Containers are water and windtight so, it is a huge plus for you. Most containers have features to prevent bugs and rodents in them thanks to their flooring type. So you will not have to worry about any kind of bug problem whilst you are storing your precious seeds or hays. Excessive seeds are generally a thing in farming, and putting them somewhere around your farm is a tough thing because you generally do not have the necessary space to do so. Containers are here to give you help on this need. Actually, using shipping containers as storage for (excessive) seeds or hay for livestock feed is one of the most frequent ways that a shipping container is used on a farm.

You might need some exterior solar powered lights for a potential greenhouse or some locks to keep everything safe.


The last idea of our list is having an office made out of shipping containers on your farm. Generally, farmers have many documents, plans, items, and pieces of equipment at their home only related to farming or the breeding on their farms. This might get overwhelming at one point because you start to lose everything around the house, and it becomes harder to keep track. Plus, while you are on the farm and working, going back and forth to the home takes a lot of time, and it is tiring. Putting a shipping container and designing it as an office on your farm makes everything easier. You can store anything you want at your farm office that is actually close to your farm and go back and forth to your office anytime you want or need while you are working at your farm. The process of working at the farm becomes easier, efficient, and quicker. However, setting up a shipping container as an office might require some time and money to do so. It is not as simple as putting the container as storage because you need electricity, water, windows, doors, and, so on. Of course, this is for those who like something solid, but if you just want to put a table and a chair and use it like that, that is also an option which could come in handy if you like it.

Get yourself an amazing and comfortable farm office by using qualitative fabrication parts: doors, windows and even A/C.

As you can see, there are many things you can use a shipping container for at a farm. Of course, there are much more than these ideas on this list but we have listed some of the best ones that could be of use for you. Many people are using shipping containers on their farms for different purposes and most of them use them for ideas like this that are extremely efficient. It is somehow hard to store items or seeds at your farm because they take up so much space. Shipping containers are your aid in fixing those issues. You can check our website for more details on the sizes and types of shipping containers that you can use for your farm.

If you want to buy, lease or rent a container please email or call us at:

1-800-304-0981 Or /

If you want to buy a container click HERE

If you want to rent a container click HERE


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