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How To Modify A Shipping Container?

Photo by Shahaz Wangare on Unsplash

Looking for a unique and cost-effective solution to your storage or living space needs? Look no further than a shipping container!

With their durability, affordability, and modular nature, these large metal boxes can be transformed into anything from a backyard shed to a full-fledged home. But how exactly do you modify a shipping container to suit your needs?

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of modifying a shipping container. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned contractor, get ready to unlock the full potential of a shipping container.

Consider the purpose of modification first

Modification is a necessary part of the shipping container process. Modifying a container means changing its size and shape, but how do you know if your design needs modification? The best way to approach this question is by considering the purpose of your project: what are you trying to accomplish?

If you’re building a house, it may make sense for your shipping container modifications to be similar in nature—that way they can work as well together as possible.

The same goes for other types of projects where there’s no clear-cut answer. You can take help from architecture design software to determine the required modifications and finalize a layout.

Shipping containers are versatile when it comes to their uses through modifications. Read our detailed guide on storage ideas and things you can do with shipping containers.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Use high-quality cutting discs and welding tools for window and vents installation

When you’re modding a shipping container, it’s important to use high-quality cutting discs and welding tools. If your disc isn’t round and clean, it won’t work properly. It should also be sharp, but not too sharp—a dull blade can cause more damage than a sharp one.

In addition to regular cutting discs (which are used for cutting metal), grinding wheels are used specifically for this purpose. These come in different sizes and shapes. You can choose depending on what type of material you want removed from your container’s surface or vent opening(s).

Install a roll-up or barn door for easy effortless entrance/exit

Shipping containers have big doors that aren’t the easiest to open and close. A major part of modifying shipping containers includes adding roll-up or barn doors for easy access.

The best way to accomplish this is by installing a roll-up door with both strength and security features.

The following are some examples of how you can achieve these things:

  • A sturdy locking mechanism on the handle (or other parts) of your shipping container doors will keep unwanted people out of your property.
  • An extra safety feature would be having shatterproof glass installed inside each opening.

Color the walls and add flooring

To add color to your shipping container, you can use a variety of mediums. The most popular are paint and wallpaper. However, if you want to keep the cost as low as possible, consider using spray paint instead of traditional brushes and rollers.

If your container is already painted with an exterior grade paint (such as factory grade), there is no need for repainting when modifying it into a home or office space.

Equip with interior and exterior lighting

You can create a combination of natural and artificial lighting to keep your shipping container well-lit. One way to create interior lighting is by adding windows, and interior led lights – install solar-powered led lights for round-the-clock lighting. 

It’s important to keep your exterior well-lit for security and access purposes. For this purpose, you can add motion detecting solar-powered lights.

Another option is mood lighting; this adds another dimension to your container by creating an ambiance that complements your personal style and tastes. For instance, if you want some additional warmth at night time when it’s cold outside but warm inside your container, then consider installing some candles or scented oil lamps.


Modifying a shipping container is a fantastic way to repurpose these versatile structures and transform them into a variety of functional and stylish spaces. With careful planning and some elbow grease, you can create a custom container that suits your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Whether you’re looking for a tiny home, a home office, or a storage solution, a shipping container can provide a unique and affordable option. So, what are you waiting for? Put these tips to use and start your shipping container modification project today. With a little creativity and some expert know-how, the possibilities are endless.

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